King William County Parks & Recreation
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Adult Kickball League

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Adult Co-Ed Kickball League
(18 years & older)

Designate a team captain who will be responsible for 1. Enrolling your team name (appropriate team names only) as well as 2. Distributing the generated link (provided by us) to the rest of team to register. 

*Teams must consist of at least 12 people.

Team Captains must register their team by APRIL 30th. (We are still accepting new teams until May 19th)

Players must register for their team by MAY 19th in order for the Shirt order to be placed in time. (Player Fee: $60)

*Shirts will be provided.

Games will take place during the SUMMER over a period of 8 WEEKS before breaking into an elimination style tournament. All games will take place at the King William County Rec Park (330 King William Park Rd, Aylett, Va 23009).

*Alcohol is NOT permitted*

See the link below for RULES.
(rules may be subject to change prior to season)

Additional Forms and Files:
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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